The Arbol Method-Facilitator’s Edition


The Arbol Method - Facilitator's Edition

This is an in-depth, no-fluff and behind-the-scenes training straight from the heart.

This special training is based upon my life experiences and invaluable knowledge I have gathered from my human masters and guides from other dimensions. I will wholeheartedly share the life-changing wisdom I have learned from the last 21 years of my deep training in different countries.

My goal in offering this exclusive training is to shave off at least 5 to 8 years of work and thousands of dollars in investments for you.

Exclusive In-depth
Facilitator's Retreat - 2.5 Months long

Based upon the amazing The Arbol Method

If you are ready to become a heart-based facilitator/mentor or simply a better leader of your life, then this training is for you.
You will dive with me into realms that other trainings shy away from.

This training might make you sweat, cry, and purge. You might face your mental and physical fears.

By the end of this training, you will walk away more vulnerable (in the best way) and connected to your heart and brain like never before.
You will find your true WORTH and feel ENOUGH.

Through this training, you will learn the:
– Art of effective listening
– Art of effective speaking
– Art of balancing your life
– Art of storytelling
– Art of meditation
– Art of presentation
– Art of setting up your space of facilitation
– Art of delivering just enough
– Art of singing without any fear
– Art of damage control
– How to make and perform Shamanic bath
– How to facilitate a Despacho ceremony

You will find your own style of facilitation/teaching.
You will also learn how to create your own intake, medical, and waiver forms.

What’s included in this training:

  • One month of bi-weekly pre-retreat zoom calls to prepare you for the sacred indigenous sessions
  • One month of bi-weekly post-retreat zoom Integration calls
  • 7-day stay at Ruhani Wellness Centre
  • Ancient breathing and sound yoga techniques
  • One very powerful traditional Despacho ceremony
  • Three Sacred indigenous sessions from the Amazon/Middle East
  • Three Microdosing sessions
  • One very powerful yogic cleansing flower bath
  • One Cacao and Ecstatic dance celebration
  • One Sananga and Rapé ceremony
  • Yoga and meditation
  • Group integration and wisdom talks
  • 17 Healthy delicious meals
  • Evening fire circle integration talks
  • Access to our private online group of Arbolees to support and inspire each other on this beautiful path of awakening

This training demands vulnerability and a readiness to go through physical and mental discomfort (which is a big secret to becoming a heart-based facilitator/ teacher).
You must have prior experience with the Sacred indigenous sessions. If not, you may start with “The Arbol Method”.

This is an exclusive offer to only a small number of committed individuals.

Your investment in Yourself:



Join The Arbol Method

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