A Beautiful Place In Nature Where The Ruhani Approach
offers holistic healing practices. In The Ruhani Approach, emphasis is put on integration.
Why? Because almost 80% of the actual healing is dependent upon what’s done with the insights from Sacred indigenous sessions. In this approach, we combine modern psychology and science with ancient wisdom and sacred indigenous sessions to achieve long-lasting freedom and awakening.

The Arbol Method
After years of leading profound personal and clients’ journeys, I have found that the Sacred indigenous spiritual work is not just about doing sacred plants sessions .
80% of the freedom and awakening is in the client’s hands after they return from session/sessions. They need to put in time, energy and a willingness to be guided into the depths of their psyche. This integration is what fully heals them from the stubborn trauma hiding under the deep layers of their subconscious.

Latest Retreat
Come join us for a life-changing “The Arbol Method” Spiritual Retreat. Register today and reserve your spot. Limited spots availble.
The Arbol Method
Private Offerings